Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to get abs in just 1 month

Image is everything and it counts especially in front of your sweet hearts. I will tell you the secrets of how you can become firm and fit in 1 month or less with a few quick steps.

Step 1. Keep a healthy diet the best thing for a fit body is the food you put inside it. If you want hard abs you need to lay off the sugarie snack and stick too healthy food such as celery,broccoli(no cheese),carrot sticks(can be dipped in ranch), salads,meats,milk,you get the point.

Step 2. Have a strickd work out session push yourself as hard as you can go, a few work out exercise are sit ups these work on your abs singaly you can try these on the floo which is regular sit ups,on the sith of a chair or couch which pusses you alittle harder or if you have a pull up bar wrap your feet around it and this will work on your leg mussles and abs.

Step 3. Repeat these steps over time each day and once you have your body keep doing these steps to keep it this is stasher920 blogging off.